The AGV automates the transport of materials from warehouse to production line, semi-finished products between production line and production line, and finished products from production line to final finished goods warehouse. Applying it to the manufacturing industry can reduce the logistics cost while ensuring the safety of transportation. The following AGV car application case, let you further understand the AGV unmanned handling car unmanned car to achieve the detailed process of intelligent handling.
An electronic manufacturing enterprise needs a lot of manpower and material resources because of the variety and complexity of parts and components, and whether the parts can be entered into the factory in time is related to the normal operation of the entire production line. In order to realize the automation of production logistics, improve the timeliness of transportation and reduce the cost of transportation, the factory introduced the AGV automatic logistics system.
According to the field investigation, the AGV car with more flexible running path and more flexible and reliable RFID navigation is selected. The working process of an unmanned AGV cart is as follows: